Buy a stall

See map of stall types and positions on the bottom of this page.

Clubbemarked - buy, sell, chill, and dance

‘Clubbemarked’ at Den Anden Side is a market in the club outside of normal club opening hours. There are no limits to what you can sell.

After a successful market in December we are now ready with two more dates for Spring 2025!At our previous market we had stalls with, things, jewellery, and art preowned, upcycled, or self-made, harm reduction material, and Yoga, merch by DAS, doughnuts, professional vintage shops with clothes and interior, and much more - all by fellow ravers of Den Anden Side.

The sellers organise their payments themselves with cash, MobilePay, etc. The DAS bar will also be open and takes credit card and cash.

Stalls can be purchased on this page.

Sellers must bring their own hangers, display furniture, etc.

Please write if you have questions or if you request a specific spot. We can’t guarantee to meet all wishes, but we will try our best. If we do not sell out we will offer to move stands in secluded areas closer to the main area.

More info on the specific Clubbemarked events - See events below.

Upcoming MARKETS

Saturday, April 5, 2025
‘Clubbemarked’ at Den Anden Side is a market in the club outside of normal club opening hours. There are no limits to what you can sell.
Den Anden Side ApS
VAT/CVR 41345659
Payment form
Axel Torv 5
1609 Copenhagen
General inquiries